
Trigger/purpose of the notification

A person is to be deregistered from compulsory insurance and/or the obligation to contribute as per the Corporate Employee and Self-Employed Pension Act (BMSVG) ends.


There is a compulsory insurance status or obligation to contribute as per the BMSVG.


The deregistration must be submitted within seven days of the end of compulsory insurance.

Responsible authority

The deregistration must be sent to the relevant health insurance institution.

Process and procedure

The notification shall only be deemed submitted if it is transmitted via ELDA (electronic data exchange with the Austrian social insurance institutions).

Registrations submitted by other means, in particular in paper form, by email or by telephone, are not deemed submitted.

The deregistration shall state the date that the remuneration entitlement ends and the employment relationship ends under employment law. If the remuneration entitlement ends, but the employment relationship under employment law continues (e.g. maternity leave, military service), then you should only state the end of the remuneration entitlement.

If both severance payment and annual leave payment are due, the period of severance pay must be stated in the notice of termination before the period of annual leave payment. The end of the remuneration entitlement must always match the date until which the compulsory insurance is extended.

The reason for deregistration must be stated.

Specifics of the notification

A copy of the deregistration shall be immediately handed over to the employee.

If a confirmation of work and remuneration for maternity benefit is submitted, deregistration is not required to pause the remuneration entitlement. If parental leave is taken, following the receipt of maternity benefit, a deregistration with “End Claim for Remuneration” and, if applicable, “End Company Benefit” must be submitted.

Submitting confirmation of work and remuneration for sickness benefit also replaces the need to deregister for compulsory insurance. If the entitlement to sickness benefit ends, the compulsory insurance automatically comes back into force – separate registration is not necessary. Only if the maximum period of entitlement to sickness benefits has been exceeded by the insured person (=termination of employment), deregistration with “End Claim for Remuneration” and, if applicable, “End Company Benefit” must be completed.

A registration for family hospice leave and a registration for nursing leave in return for a loss of pay also replace the deregistration.

Correcting the deregistration

This notification type can be used to correct the date of deregistration, the end of the employment relationship, the reason for deregistration, the severance payment from/to, the annual leave payment from/to and the end of the company benefits provision.

The data transmitted by means of the correction of deregistration completely replaces the original information. Not entering information in the following data fields will lead to the complete omission of the original facts:

  • End of employment relationship
  • Severance payment from
  • Severance payment to
  • Annual leave payment from
  • Annual leave payment to and
  • End company benefit

Cancelling the deregistration

A deregistration should only be cancelled if the original deregistration was incorrect. If the insurance period is completely removed, then you simply need to cancel the registration. You do not need to cancel the deregistration in this case.